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E.S.G. Artio
E.S.G. Artio is a group of Study Associations of the Environmental Science Group at Wageningen University. They organize integration activities for the members of Aktief Slip, Artemis, Genius Loci, Licere, Nitocra, Pyrus, and WSBV Sylvatica. If you want more information about their upcoming activities, you can check our their Instagram, @esg.artio.

Why 'Artio'?
Before 2024, E.S.G Artio was only known as 'the ESG', or 'OW' (OmgevingsWetenschappen) in Dutch. Not many people were aware of the existence of the ESG. Additionally, the name was the same as the department of the WUR, which was confusing. To make the group more recognizable and familiar to members, a name and logo was created: E.S.G. Artio. Artio is the Celtic goddess of fertility and bears.
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