Student Training & Support News – Period 5
What steps will you take this period?
Would you like to learn how to speak more confidently in front of a group, how to manage stress and anxiety, or how to overcome your fear of failure?
The Student Training & Support programme is once again full of interesting - and free - training courses and workshops. New is a training for students who get stuck and delayed in writing their thesis.
Visit our website and register now!
Training/Workshop Start date / Sessions Time
Study Lab – Procrastination | Every Tuesday | 12:30-13:30h
Giftedness & Study | 12 March | 6x Wednesday | 13:00-14:00h
Giftedness & Thesis | 12 March | 6x Wednesday | 14:00-15:00h
Speaking with Ease | 17 & 18 March | 3x | 18:30-21:30h
Introduction to Mindfulness | 18 March | 4x Tuesday | 12:30-13:45h
Get a Grip on your Studies | 19 March | 4x Wednesday | 12:30-14:00h
Fear of Failure | 19 March | 4x Wednesday | 17:00-18:30h
Studying with AD(H)D | 25 March | 4x Tuesday | 12:30-13:50h
Leren Leren (NL) | 25 March | 4x Tuesday | 12:20-13:50h
Go with your -Hormonal- Flow | 26 March | Tuesday | 12:30-13:45h
No WURries- Student Support Group | 26 March | Tuesday | 12:15-13:45h
NEW! Your Thesis - Back on Track | 27 March | 4x Thursday | 12:20-13:50h
Grief & Writing | 30 March | Sunday | 15:30-17:30h
Stress Management | 02 April | 4x Wednesday | 19:00-21:30h
Balancing Grief & Study | 02 April | Wednesday | 16:30-18:00h
Masterclasses Study Skills | 02 April | Note-taking, Memory, Procrastination
(By dr. Martijn vd Spoel) | 03 April | Growth Mindset, Focus, Motivation
Exam Study Week |Self-study week t.b.d | 09:30-17:30h
TIP: Stay tuned and follow us on Instagram @WUR_Wellbeing.